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모바일 로케이션 네비게이션


KSR International Membership

  • name KCR Secretariat
  • date 2024.07.19
  • views 491

Anyone who is interested in KSR international membership should submit an application form and a copy of your curriculum vitae to the KSR office by e-mail (office@radiology.or.kr) even if you have already joined the KSR website.

KSR international membership approval takes up to a month as it is reviewed at the KSR board meetings. Please refer to the dates of the KSR board meetings, and submit your application and a copy of your curriculum vitae in advance.

* Please note that the KSR board meeting schedule is subject to change.

* If your KSR international membership is approved after you register as a non-member, the difference in the registration fee will not be refunded.

If you cannot select the KSR international membership category on the KCR registration system after your KSR international membership approval, please contact the KCR 2023 secretariat (register@kcr4u.org).