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로케이션 네비게이션

모바일 로케이션 네비게이션

How to register
(for Foreigners)

Registration Guideline

  • Online registration is highly recommended at the congress website. If on-line registration is not available, please contact the secretariat at register@kcr4u.org
  • E-registration

Registration Process

  • Sign-Up

  • Online

  • Receive Registration

  • Payment

  • Receive Confirmation
    of Registration

  • Complete

  • Registration Acknowledgement
    • Registration Acknowledgement will be sent to you via e-mail after your on-line registration
  • Payment Status (Check at ‘My page’)
    • After you complete your on-line registration, please visit ‘My page’.
    • You can check the payment status of your registration at ‘My page’.
    • Payment Status will be changed from ‘Payment is needed’ to ‘Payment is confirmed’ within three weeks upon clearance of you payment.
  • Confirmation of Registration
    • Confirmation of Registration will be sent to you via e-mail within three weeks upon making the appropriate payment.
    • Registration without appropriate payment will not be honored until the full payment is received.
    • After you complete your payment, you can download your receipt at ‘My page’.

Registration Fee

Category Early Registration
by July 8 (Mon)
by August 26 (Mon)
Onsite Registration
** On-site only at Coex **
KCR Int'l Member
If you want to become a KSR International member and get a discount on the KCR registration fee, please submit an application form and a copy of your curriculum vitae to the KSR office by e-mail (office@radiology.or.kr) even you have joined the KSR website.
Physician USD 250 USD 300 USD 350
Resident / Trainee USD 150 USD 200 USD 250
Non-member USD 400 USD 450 USD 500
Nurse, Radiolographer, and Non-MD applicants should submit a certificate of employment from their affiliation during the pre-registration process in order to complete their registration to the secretariat by email (register@kcr4u.org)
USD 250 USD 300 USD 350
Accompanying Person
The Accompanying Person fee is applicable to family members of participants only.
USD 50 USD 50 USD 50
1 Day - USD 180
Notarized Invitation Letter (Optional)
※ If you need a Notarized Invitation Letter for visa, click the option and send a copy of your passport to the secretariat by email (register@kcr4u.org). If you are not sure whether you need a notarized letter of invitation for visa issuance, please check with the Korean Embassy in your country whether a notarized letter is required for visa issuance.
USD 60 USD 60 -
Virtual Access
  • Only those who paid for ‘Virtual Access(USD 50)’ can access to Virtual Platform "Live" Room (3~4 Rooms)
  • During the on-site registration period, 'Virtual Access' can only be paid at the COEX site.
Live Streaming is not available.
  • Presenter Registration Due Date: July 8 (Mon), 2024.
    Abstract presenters of the Scientific Session or Exhibition should register within the presenter registration period. If not, the presentation will be canceled.
  • If your KSR International membership is approved after you register as a non-member, the difference in the registration fee will not be refunded.
  • Nurse, Radiographer, and Non-MD applicants should submit a certificate of employment from their affiliation during the pre-registration process in order to complete their registration.
  • The Accompanying Person fee is applicable to family members of participants only.
  • Appropriate payment should be completed within the right period of registration. If you pay after the registration period, you will need to pay the corresponding additional fees.

KSR International Membership

  • Become a KSR International member with no membership dues.
  • Anyone who is interested in KSR International membership should submit an application form and a copy of your curriculum vitae to the KSR office by e-mail (office@radiology.or.kr) even you have joined the KSR website.
  • KSR international membership approval takes up to a month, as it is reviewed at the KSR board meetings. Please refer to the dates of the KSR board meeting, and submit your application and a copy of your curriculum vitae in advance.
    Applications received by May 17 (Fri) will be reviewed at the KSR board meeting to be held on May 22 (Wed).
Month Application Submission Deadline KSR Board Meeting
May May 17 (Fri) May 22 (Wed)
June June 21 (Fri) June 26 (Wed)
July July 12 (Fri) July 17 (Wed)
August August 16 (Fri) August 21 (Wed)
*The KSR Board Meeting will not be held, but Membership approvals are scheduled for August 21st.
September September 20 (Fri) September 25 (Wed)
  • Please note that the KSR Board Meeting schedule is subject to change

  • View Datails
  • Benefits
  • Discount of KCR registration fee
  • Free online access to Korean Journal of Radiology (KJR), KSR website and E-learning system
  • Free subscription to KSR news
  • Prior consideration in KSR fellowship
  • Award programs


Participant’s registration fee includes Accompanying Person's registration fee includes Exhibitors' registration includes
  • Admission to all Scientific Sessions
  • Access to Exhibition Area
  • Program Book
  • VOD Service
  • Access to Exhibition Area
  • Admittance Welcome Reception
  • Access to Exhibition Area
  • Access to Opening Ceremony & Congress Lecture

Refresher Courses Syllabus

  • The Refresher Courses Syllabus is no longer offered separately and is included in the registration fee.
  • Contact for Registration